
Monday, 4 August 2014

Things You Should Never Do During Sex

Things You Should Never Ever Do During Sex

The things that go on between a man and a woman in the bedroom, should remain in the bedroom. However, every now and then we need to direct some lost souls and give them a few tips. There are things you should never, ever do during sex; so for the sake of your sex life, your relationship and your marriage, just don't do these...

1. Don't call out the wrong name

Do we really need to tell you the consequences of this mistake? If you don't know, then you deserve what's coming to you.

2. Don't say thank you

You did not hire your man for a night, this was a consensual act! If you want to praise him, choose other complimentary words.

3. Refrain from giving out orders

This isn't a sex education lesson. If you don't like something, you need to direct your man subtly, not order him.

4. Don't rush it

It is okay if you don't catch the season finale of your favorite episode! Sex is not meant to be rushed.

5. Don't be selfish

Sharing is caring people. Since you had yourself a very good time, you need to reciprocate some action.

6. Don't over fake it

While sometimes it may be necessary to fake it ( just sometimes!), make sure you do it smartly, because once you are caught over doing it, hell will break loose.

7. Don't treat sex like porn

No you most certainly cannot bend like that, so don't force your body. Porn is superficial, while sex between you and your partner is personal and intimate.

8. Never answer mail or calls

If you do that, you deserve to never get laid again.

9. Don't forget to kiss

While most of the focus will go towards sexual organs, remember to have some relaxed moments and just kiss.

10. Don't run away after you're done

Studies have shown that it is actually healthy for the relationship to cuddle after sex.

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